
Saturday, January 15, 2011

three new cats! (repost)

"Lilyfrost,Wolfshadow,and vivid please come forward.." Yellowstar deep mew rang out and he called.
"ALL Cats Young and old please join beneth the great Tree for a clan meeting!" all the cats gathered.
Clawkit was sleeping and birdjay draged him out.
 They all settled and the meeting began.
"I Yellowstar call apon are warrior ansesters to look down apon these cats! Wolfshadow,Lilyfrost.
Do you promise to pertect and deffend this clan even at the cost of your lives?" Yellowstar asked looking up and then down.
"I do" Wolfshadow and Lilyfrost mewed.
"Then by the power of starclan resting in me I give you your warrior names Lilyfrost form this moment on you are Lilyfrost" Yellowstar mewed
(have you read the special addition firstars quest?I found out that new cats of a clan get a carimony!Like if you were an apprentice becoming a warrior,exept we don't have old names so...)
Clawkit laught and birdjay smacked him over the head he quickly stoped.
"Wolfshadow From this moment forth you will be wolfshadow!" Yellowstar mewed.
"Ok Vivid do you choose to ceep you name well,I will for now(well ill think about letting you ceep it but in the thired set of books cats do soo idk).
Vivide do you promise to heal and protect this clan at the coust of your life and to be there for even the sickest of cats?" Yellowstar asked.
"i do" vivid mewed.
"Vivid I am no medical cat and even though I do posses nollege of the way of herbs I can not give you your full name.We will leave it up to starclan to reffire it to you or stait it but for now we will chear!"
Yellowstar was never been told what to do if a med cat became a cat of the clan with out another medical cat.
"ok then by the power vested in me I bring My clan strangth,happyness,and forever graditude to these three cats! Please welcome them!" Yellowstar mewed.
"lilyfrost!vivide!wolfshadow!vivide!wolfshadow!lilyfrost! " The other 2 cats mewed.

"I am very sorry I didn't get to this sooner but I am glaid I waited becaues now we have 3 new cats and not 1,not2 but 3 and all in one anonsment!" Yellowstar mewed happily and bounced down to make patroles for the day!

(If I got the words wrong I apoligize I do not do this often.)


  1. Clawkit wanted to be friends with three new cats so he bonced up to the his fluffy smallness as his charm.
    "hi! i'm clawkit!"

  2. "Hi Clawkit, will you soon be an apprentice?"

  3. "I got like 4 moons!It bits my dad wants to ceep it that way but the next gatherings going to talk about how it should be 6 moons!Oh wait I'm all mixed up here.I'm 5 moons soo 4 moons and then if it changes only have to wait 1.." clawkit confuesed himself and hoped he didn't say anything he wasn't sopposed to.
    "ok no.." clawhawk mewed bending his head done.

  4. "Don't worry I won't say anything, but I can tell your going to be a really great apprentice. Who ever has you as their apprentice is lucky."

  5. Clawkit was happy that he got such a good compliment from the deputy!
    He buffed out his chest in bride for a secound and then ternd to wolfshadow.
    "Ya my dads going to mentor me but he says he will probley split it soo i get to know all the diffrent tecnecs of all the warriors!So you may get stuck with me!" clawkit winked at him and then he herd birdjay whisper.
    "ya and not stuck with me all the time." clawkit looked over and saw a wird creapy grin and jumped.

  6. "Well it wouldn't be so bad to be stuck with you because even though you are a paw full you might be the best warrior of the clans."

  7. Clawkit looked at wolfshadow for a long while he was exepting him.
    "...Thanks" clawkit wanted to yell make him my mentor but then he saw yellowstar flicker his tail tored the entrence of the camp.
    "Nice talking with you I have to go on a walk...hey would you like to come with?You'll be patrolling?" clawkit asked.

  8. "Well if you would like me to then I will."

  9. "sweet lets go" clawkit raced for the exite (coment patrol trail..)



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