
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Leaders den

This is yellowstars den,
Don't enter with out a "come in!" it can be fatel
Remember to always bring fresh kill!
Sit when he says sit and stand when he says stand!
Don't back talk or say thing when he is talking.
Don't disterb him when he sleeps!
Don't give him bad news on days of grieving.
Remember his den is his den and rules are rules!
Please coment and get to the point!
But don't wirry he dosn't bite.
Only if its crusle or in a punishment of some sort.


  1. " Yellowstar, we are low in herbs, especially catmint , yarrow and borrage. It's almost new leaf so that means queens, we really need the borrage for pregnat cats.

  2. "Yess..hmm I will get on that.I will have birdjay and nightpaw help you out.It most be pretty tough being the only healer."
    Yellowstar mewed.
    "Vivide let me tell you somthing inportant.On the far side off the tarritory by sandclan is a big area off cat-mint.Oh and don't worry we don't have leaf bare and sickness only comes in one big huracan at the end.So you have much time to worry about catmint but It is a good idea to gather early the other medical cats get there catmint from there as well." Yellowstar told her kindly and then got sat up from were he was lieing.



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