

Cloudclan Information:Allies with yellowclan and have no frets or gruges agenst anyone.
They are very free spiritted like clouds.
They were the first to be here and are very happy with there lives!

Prey:Birds,frogs,squirle,and mouse.

Tarritory:Just Like yellowclan they have no leaf-bare so there tarritors mainly orege,yellow,and red.
But these cats are always in the tree's big spinny trees with grey bark and no sap.There camp is a huge tree that has all the branches in the shy were the bootem off the tree is were the leaders den and were everyone looks in clan meetings.

Leader Sparrowstar:
 Description:sparrow pelted tom with amber eyes.
Personality:Kind,loyale and hard working (he's very easy to trick) he is very good friends with yellowstar.
Brother:redmask son:treekit and firepaw. mate:moonset

Description:Orenge tabby tom with Oreng eyes.
Personality:Out going,crazzy,kind hearted and is sparrowstar brother.He shares the same friendship's with yellowclan.

Description:sandy pelt and red eyes with masive eared,tom
Personality:He is a kidder and has a hard time doing what he does but his conection with starclan is very strong.Brother:falllong

Description:Pretty sandy tom with a long body and neck.
Personality:He is very smart but doesn't have any conection with starclan,He is more of a experimentor then a healer.

Healer:Stormwater [lazypaw]
Personality:SHarp touged,indapendent and is oldest of the healers,she is very kind hearted.
Description:light grey and white tabby she-cat,long haired with pretty watery blue eyes.

Personality:Brave,young and ciriuse.she does not like blood at all and can walk for a long,long time with out feeling even a pinch tired.
Description:Black she cat with purple eys that seemed to look torn out at night.Her brother is olivefrost.

Warrior:Tropicalston [firepaw]
Personality:Fun,loving,kind and forgiving.this cat was a kittypet that got color coughted with permanite coloring.
Desriction:white she cat with amber eyes and a died pelt.Mate:sunglaze

Description:black tom with frosty blue eyes.
Personality:Is very grumpy and hard working his sister is tornshadow.Mate:daisyflower kits:lonelykit,shadekit,and mintkit.

Personality:A high eating,friendly,and Joker.Can be very peppy.
Description:Youngest of warriors.Orenge tabby she cat with wavy blue eyes.

Description: Sandy tan tabby tom with senter off the sun colored eyes (like when you look at the sun)
Personality:Shy and skilled at manly everything.He is a cowward.Mate:tropicalstone.

Personality:brave,ciriuse and indapentedent love to battle.
Description:orange colored tom with dark blue eyes.Sparrowstar and moonsets son brother:treekit.

apprentice lazzypaw
personality:Calico she-cat with a kind heart.she was lost when a kit but finaly retured to begin her apprenticship.Mother:moonset father;unnoun
Description:calico she cat who is almost blind but is very smart and willing!

Queen:moonset [tree-kit]
Description:calico she-cat with 1 good working amber eye.
Personality:Kind hearted,deviuse and sister is:ravenstar mate:sparrowstar sons:treekit and firepaw.Daughter:lazzypaw. (has been cachered by yaldclan..)

Personality:grumpy and lazzy but has a good side.
Description:white and orange she cat.Her kits are:lonelykit,mintkit,and shadkit

Kit:mintkit [daisyflower]
Personality:peppy,clever and winny she loves to make friends.
discription:light orand and white taby she-kit with amber eyes.brothers:shadekit and lonelykit.father is olivefrost.

Kit:lonelykit [daisyflower]
 Personality:A very lazy kit that would love to hear storys he is very brave and has a very good will. father is olivefrost, mother id daisyflower,sibblings are shadekit and mintkit.
description:Black and white tom with dark grey eyes.
His best friend is treekit and they will probley be best friends for life.

Personality:Friendly,boncey and happy all the time.His best friend is lonelykit and they will probley be best friends forrever.
Description:calico tom with white eyes.

Kit:shadekit [daisyflower]
Descripion:fluffy and black/white tom with dark grey eyes.
Mother:daisyflower father:olivefrost sibblings:mintkit and lonelykit.

Personality:Happy,secretive,and hard to figure out.
Description:cow pelted tom with running eyes.

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