
Thursday, January 6, 2011

starclans den

This is a den on the outscirses of are tarriotory cats who want to shar toughs go here.
This used to be the healers den.
A cat may have it as there oun!
Birdjays brother deathdragon lives here.
This is located next to the time rock.


  1. Deathdragon was collecting the herbs he would need to use if anything happend.
    Being a loner was hard but he always had his yellowclan pales to help out!
    After filing his herb copartment.yellowstar and clawkit came around the border patroling.
    "hello deathdragon lovely wether wev'e been haveing." yellowstar blinked.
    "yep,its been good to us.Hey its clawkit!He become an apprentice or somthing?" deathdragon asked.
    "nope hes just taking a walk." yellowstar mewed then started to pad of but then remembered somthing and turned around.
    "we have a deputy!Wolfshadow!She was maid the deputy yesterday!." Yellowstar mewed in dilite.
    "thats good well see you around,Iv'e gotta get some food before i starve myself." deathdragon chuckled and started walking in the opposite deection."Tell wolfshadow i said congrades!" he showted to the 2 cats disapering behind the bushes.

  2. Deathdrgon was sitting by his nest while wolfshadow padded in."Do you notice my den is not flat on the ground?" His den looked as though a big pile off moss was there but then deathdragon moved a peace of moss. There was wood there. Deathdragon looked at wolfshadow and pushed a big wood box (its a cargo crat.) over to the side. A tunnel was there. "here is startclans den, i bring you here for a reason." dethdragon looked at her and then slid threw the whole.

  3. Wolfshadow followed him , "What is the reason?"

  4. "please do not talk in the whole..." deathdragon whispered and then a bright light shown at the end came up... As they steped threw a small cave with a little pool and whaterfall was glowing bright, cristals on the wall and a very tiny world to explore. "you can talk now" deathdream told her. please do not go over there thats were i store things.Sorry that the ruff is so" deathdream had a paniced look on his face.

  5. He was staring at a green glowing wall..

  6. "Wow, what kind of rock is this?" Wolfshadow looked at the rock as well.

  7. "its glowing green rock? um i i beleive it is used to give messages... i brought you here because there is a message for you." deathdream mew. He looked at the rock. "I can't read it." deathdream mewed. (you can make it say wow idk i was thinking it would show a picture.)

  8. Wolfshadow looked at the rock closely and said, "It showed me a picture of my family, and kits."

  9. "wow cool i see it to now... i allso see.." deathdream looked closer he all most thought he saw himself but it fadded and the to cats saw...
    (this is for the chapter.. i needed to messages.)
    "to houses run over the more and the rock.." deathdragon looked at wolfshadow who must be seeing the other message."clawkit!" deathdragon mewed "we have to get to the time rock!" deathdragon mewed.

  10. "The what?" Wolfshadow looked confused.

  11. "hehe yah well i'd tell you bought ti but we need to get to yaldclan now.. like threw the tarritor.the giant slope thing... just fallow." deathdream rn out off the hole waiting for wolfshadow then closed it up. He quickly pushed a log on the fire and started out to yaldclan tarritory.

  12. (yes this is were i say comment time rock :D)



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