
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Patrole paths

There are 4 lovely trails to patrole and 1 river to check on and fish at!
Remember watch out for passing cats and truspasing clans!


  1. Yellowstar and clawkit were walking.
    "I will show you the border every day!I will show you it tell there is now way that you will not now every squar inch of tarritory!" Yellowstar told him.
    Clawkits pads were a bit sore
    "but I'm not an apprentice so why make me walk all the way around soo much?" Clawkit asked.
    "becaues you are my son not a lazzy kit and becaues walkes will make you fit!Its so easy to soo You are not patroling You are taking a walk and I am patroling!" Yellowstar told clawkit.
    "ok so i can go back to camp now?" clawkit asked.
    "NO!Becaues as leader I sy you have to hallow the patrole every day tell you now were everything is at were every good peace of prey is!" Yellowstar was pretty proud that clawkit was staring so close and not running off all the time.
    "Ok.." clawkit was a bit nervise..
    Yellowstar started walking faster.
    Clawkit had to run to ceep up.
    They went all the way around it was quite tireding and clawkit had praktecly past out!
    "So clawkit now any good.." yellowstar was cut out.
    "I want to go back to camp!" Clawkit wined
    "NO! And If you ever even think about interupting me again you will be valenteering to clean every den fore a week!" Yellowstar picked up clawkit and padded around more of the tarritory.

  2. "Come on Clawkit it's really good to get outside and once you become an apprentice you should know the territory so it's just getting you use to the territory."

  3. "Yep!its going to be aswome!its so much easyer to walk around latly!I might actualy not have sore pades after walking for so long soon." Clawkit was happy wolfshadow got to go with him and birdjay and nightpaw..
    "yep nice wether were having and to spoil it I'm with 2 of the dumbest cats in are clan.."birdred happly mermerd to herself.
    "were aproching deathdreagon's house.Have you met him yet?"

  4. "Our pads get harder over time so we can go for longer periods of time and not have our pads bleed. Birdjay, is it safe to aproce Deathdragon for me I mean?"

  5. "wo cool." clawkit sat down and looked at his pad.
    "what?Aproce?Deathdragon won't bite..You want me to intraduse you?I don't care what you do but remember he is my brother."Birdjay was staring off.
    "oh like challege him?Shir if you want..Yay thats probley not a good idea." Birdjay dived into the bushes and came out with a mouse.

  6. "No I'm not saying like that. I know he's nice to Clawkit, and you but will he be nice to me?"

  7. "yep probley,You'll be fine" birdred mewed and Then clawkit ran ahead to were the den was.

  8. "Hello clawkit!Out on another walk I see."deathdragon peared out off his den.
    "who are thoughs 2 next to birdjay?" He asked clawkit.
    "Well that one is wolfshadow my new friend and the new deputy!Oh and nightpaw she's jaybirds apprentice." Clawkit Told him and deathdream dissapeared and came back with a white box.
    "see this white stuff in the contaner,I'm going to pull one on birdjay!" He whispered (baby powder) Deathdragon put a bunch of the white stuff in a hole by the enterence.
    He then went back inside the den and returned with a small colorfull stick that had flower petals around it. (a candy fan) "hey mom come check this out!" He called to her and birdjay padded ahead off the gruop.
    "look at that wird white stuff!" clawkit mewed and birdjay whent down to stiff it.
    Deathdragon right in front of her with his stick,Bit down on a note in the wood (the button)
    The petals started moving and birdjay looked up and all the powder went into her face!
    wolfshadow and nightpaw padded up.
    Deathdragon and clawkit were laghfing at birdjay as she tried to get the powder off!

  9. "Hello Deathdragon, I'm Wolfshadow as you herd from Clawkit."

  10. "mm yes the new deputy.Most be patroling hmm well don't mind me."deathdragon mewed myseryusly with a glimer in his eye.

  11. Wolfshadow nods "It's nice to meet you."
    (can Wolfshadow like Deathdragon?)

  12. (lol Yes and me and flamecloud new you were tottaly thinking that!ha flamecloud os me 5 dallors!Yes!Oh and oh course..I will coment for flamecloud.)

    "Ya nice to meet you to."deathdragon scaned over wolfshadow and felt all warm."ok.." he muttered and the turned around to see clawkit goind though a crat off things.
    "clawkit thoughs are not for you!" deathdrahon mewed and walked up.
    "here you can have this" deathdragon pulled out some yarn.
    "theses are memorys from my two-leged.."deathdragon breathed.clawkit looked at him with shock.
    "I wasn't always a loner and a clan cat,When I was an apprentice I had a secret two-leged and she saddly died..Ok so I managed to keep these things." deathdragon sad to much and hoped wolfshadow didn't hear.
    "ok now you should run along clawkit I have flowers to colect."clawkit looked at him.
    "your still aswome!" clawkit mewed as he ran to the patrole.
    (btw deathdragon disapeared.)
    "so lets get rolling"Clawkit mewed.
    "finally and happy me I finaly got the baby powder off!"birjay mewed.
    (ok I admit most off that was flamecloud but I tryed to help the coment ;)

  13. (it's fine)
    "All right lets go." Wolfshadow looked around for Deathdragon.

  14. (wjisper its wite stuff and a half cage not a crat and baby poder..btw do you wanna meet a fox on the border that leads back to camp?I need to meet it on a patrol for the next chapter exept it runs off and then...well i need it for the next chapter..)

    "well were almost to cAMp and wev'e acomplished nothing..Nightpaw what can you smell?" birdjay asked.

    "that smells funny.."clawkit wanted to try smelling his serondings exept he was a bit farther ahead of the patrol.

  15. "I smell it to but I don't know what it is."

  16. "aw well then lets go"clawkit mewed

    "its fox."birjay mewed

  17. "Clawkit, get behind one of us, if it attacks we're more likely to survive the attack. If it attacks you, you might survive."

  18. "ok?" clawkit instantly obaid and went behind wolfshadow.

    Birdjay got in her attac stance.
    as nurvise as they were the young fox popped out of the bushes and the instantly ran but then turned to see it was only some cats.

  19. Wolfshadow hissed, "Birdjay can you try to sneak around behind the fox? If you can when I give the signal then jump on it's back and I'll attack from the front."

  20. "ok" birdjay whispered and the disapeared into the bushes.

    "nightpaw lets go get yellowstar" clawkit mewed and nightpaw shook her head.
    "ok i will go then" clawkit dove inti the oposite bushes.

  21. "Now Birdjay!" Wolfshadow jumped on the fox from the front.

  22. Birdjay dived out of the bushes and sliped while grabbing on to its back. The fox kicked her of but was to bissy with wolfshadow.
    She the spon around and took a great leep at the fox.
    as they were attacking it the fox dissided to run.Both wolfshadow and birdjay were still taring at it.

  23. "Stop. It has learned it's leason, it will bother us no more."

  24. Birdjay hoped off.The fox ran and yellowstar and clawkit appreared.
    "were did the fox go?" yellowstar asked
    "right over the yaldclan border." birdjay told him.
    yellowstar blinked as if it was his lucky day.
    "head back to camp: yellowstar mewed and turned around quickly "good job wolfshadow,you saved my son,mate and hole clan." he mewed when walking.

  25. Wolfshadow nodded and started to go back to camp. She waited for a few moments and said "Eternalwinds, thank you for you help."

  26. (coughs enternalwind? mix up)

  27. (no Eternalwinds taught Wolfshadow to fight, so she's thanking her for her teaching)

  28. (oh ok thank you for telling bad)



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